Day 15: Read Aloud

I love reading to my students. I have made time for read aloud ever since I started teaching. My kids enjoy this time of day to just relax and listen to the stories being told. This year is no different. Some are in person and others are remote (depending on the day), but they all log on at 1:15.

This year, my group is so animated! Even through Google Meet, you see their mouths drop open when they are shocked or hold their heads in disbelief. They quickly type in their feelings or their predictions in the chat to share with their classmates. They reply to any poll questions I have asked and then ask about the results.

Today I had to cancel read aloud time for an in-person fire drill. Many moans and groans and sad faces when I told them this news at 9:45. Then at 11:00 we got an email saying the fire drill is cancelled. I quickly wrote a post saying “Read Aloud is back on at 1:15.” I hope they will all see it!

At 1:15, I am missing a few kids. I ask those that are signed on to message or email or text anyone they don’t see on. I was able to have read aloud with 19 out of 22 kids, so we will need to do a quick recap for those that missed out.

So far they have loved ALL the read aloud books chosen for this school year:

The Benefits of Being an Octopus

Skeleton Creek

On the Day I Died


Michael Vey: Prisoner of Cell 25

I need to find my next read aloud . . . any ideas?

9 thoughts on “Day 15: Read Aloud

  1. I tell my students every day that it’s my favorite part of my day with them! This year being a classroom teacher has made me realIze how much I miss sharing my love of reading with them.

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  2. Reading aloud to students is one of my favorite things! I taught Advanced Placement courses in high school for many years, and managed to sneak in some read aloud time every day as part of our poetry analysis (AP English Literature) or prose analysis (AP English Language). Just because they are big does not mean that they do not need to be read to anymore!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. How special that you have found time, made time for Read Alouds with your students. Based on your titles I am guessing you teach oder kids, so even more impressive that you have kept read aloud alive. Thanks for introducing me to some new titles.

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  4. I don’t have any suggestions, but I love the first book on the list! I am quite certain this is their favorite part of the day with you!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. How fun! So nice you do this with your students. I always used to love when my teachers read aloud to us.

    And I always loved Family Reading Night when I was working because I would always volunteer to read. I loud reading aloud to kids!

    Liked by 1 person

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