Day 24: Aha!

I had NO IDEA what to write about today/tonight, which is probably why I am posting this after midnight!

While talking with my friends via Zoom tonight, they were all complaining about how this “Safer at Home” quarantine is getting to them. I, on the other hand, have been fine with it. I haven’t cried about it. I have been nervous for my mom and my kids, but not full-blown anxiety attack. I haven’t gotten antsy from being home day after day.

And then it hit me . . .

They are used to being home alone and coming and going throughout the day – grocery shopping, working out, talking on the phone, going to grab lunch or a coffee. So their freedom, their everyday life was interrupted. My days are usually at school teaching. I can’t come and go, make phone calls throughout the day, meet friends for lunch, run some errands because I am “stuck” at school. So now I am just “stuck” at home. I am constantly checking my emails to offer help to a student or answer a parent’s question, I am on Zoom awaiting children to join, I am looking and planning for anything “fun” to send to my students.

I miss my students, but I am enjoying my time with my kids. I miss my teaching partner. I miss my coworkers. I miss planning face-to-face as opposed through texts or Zoom. Just as I miss my kids and being home with them when I am at work everyday, I miss my kids and being at school with them everyday now that I am home!

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