Day 12: Happy 13th Birthday!

13! My sweet, smart, beautiful Tessie is now a teenager!

Tessie is the sister that has taken care of her older brothers since she could walk. I would tell them to put their shoes on because we were leaving and she would run, get their shoes, and lift their leg to put their foot in the shoe. She is the one that goes to all of their basketball, baseball, bowling, and volleyball games. Tessie is the one that will blow a fan on Andrew when his skin burns from his eczema.

At 9:00 pm when Andrew asks, “Tessie, what’s for dessert?”

Without missing a beat she responds, “Molten lava cake.”

“Make it happen,” he says and off she goes to the kitchen because she knows how happy it will make them.

Tessie is the one that will take her dad’s socks off and give him a foot massage after a long day at the restaurant. She gives me back massages, foot scrubs, and scalp massages to help me relax, as well as giving me a warm blanket and fuzzy socks when I’m freezing (but too lazy to go upstairs to get them).

She goes out of her way to choose gifts that are specific to everyone in our family, even when I would prefer to give a gift card or cash to make it easy on myself.

Today it’s our turn to spoil her. We will celebrate by going to Wildfire for Filet and mashed potatoes, opening a couple of gifts, and getting ready for her party.

Tomorrow we celebrate with my side of the family and next week with my husband’s side of the family. We usually have everyone together, as well as my cousins and their families. But with everything going on and not everyone vaccinated, we are keeping the parties smaller and including only our immediate families.

Happy 13th Birthday to my sweet, smart, strong, sassy, 13 year-old Tessie!

14 thoughts on “Day 12: Happy 13th Birthday!

  1. You have raised a wonderful young woman! Can you believe you have 3 teenagers in your house? I hope you had a wonderful night. I’m sure she loved all the special touches.

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